Printable Love Notes for Your Husband
riting love notes for your husband can be a simple gift that can ignite the fires of romance in your marriage.
When my husband and I were in college he spent a year at a college that was about a 19-hour drive from me. We wrote love notes to each other, sharing our love with a few written words. We ended up getting married. I can’t say it was completely because of the letters, but the truth is they had an impact on our love for each other.
In this Marriage Moment I’ll discuss how love notes for your husband can ignite the love and bring a closer bond to your marriage.
The Importance of Telling Your Husband You Love Him with Love Notes
After we married we continued writing notes to each other. Little love notes placed lovingly in pockets, or lunch bags, purses or wallets. We did that because we were young newlyweds who wanted to express our love to each other.
This post contains affiliate products which are great for married couples on date night.
Somewhere over the 26 years of marriage, those love notes were reduced to a few texts or Facebook messages when we aren’t together. But that’s not how I want to communicate with my Beloved man. I want to write notes to him again, and feel that giddy feeling knowing that when he reads it I’ll have made him smile.
Ladies, our husbands need us to tell them our thoughts.
- Husbands need for us to tell them what we think about them.
- They need to know why we love them
- A man needs to know how we love them, that we respect them, that we think they are handsome and that we want to be with them.
Husbands need their wives to build them up. They need to feel that they are doing all that she needs him to. God created men to be leaders, providers, and care-takers. That’s why they always want to fix-it when we share a struggle with them.

But, they aren’t always the best in communicating their own needs. They don’t want to ask what you think of them. A man most likely will not want to ask if you love them, or if you desire them, or if you are satisfied with how they care for you. He needs for you to take the initiative and tell them these things.
When you build up his ego he becomes more responsive in other areas of communication. You might discover that he becomes more affectionate. And, he’ll want to spend more time with you.
Be sure to Take the 5 Day Marriage Challenge
for even more ways to build your marriage bond.
One of the easiest ways to build up this bond of attachment is by writing love notes for your husband. It’s simple, a few love notes a month, or one or two a week, can make all the difference in strengthening your bond of love.
That’s why today I’m sharing with you my custom-made love notes for your husband.
Get these FREE Love Notes for your Husband
- There are 29 unique notes that start with a simple greeting, but leaves room for you to write your own details.
- Each note prints 4 times on an 8X11 sheet of paper.
- Print them on card stock to make them extra special.
- Then you have 116 custom love notes to write to your spouse throughout the year.
Enjoy Your Free Marriage Moment Download: Love Notes for Your Spouse. To get these love notes simply enter your email address. Then, check your email for to verify your opt-in, and watch for the password and link for where you can download these love notes for your husband.
Don’t Miss These Posts
- A Year’s Worth of Ideas for Marriage Date Nights
- The Importance of Communication in Marriage
- 5 Simple Ways to Keep Romance Alive in Marriage
This post is part of the iHomeschool Network Keeping Your Marriage Alive While Homeschooling.
Want more freebies? Stop in for Free Printable Day.

A Learning Journey
I see the download bale link in the footer of my e-mail and I believe I am a subscriber, but I can’t seem to download the love notes file. Could you please help? Thanks a bunch.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, there was an error in my code. I have fixed it. You should be able to download with your next email or please message me at renee@greatpeaceacademy.com and I will be happy to send you the corrected link.
Thanks again for letting me know of the error.
It is so romantic and wonderful. I believe it would be great for this month Valentine. Thank you very much for sharing.
Renee Aleshire Brown
Thanks Adelien, Enjoy!